
State Attorney General’s Office Meets Front and Centered

WA AGs office with FC

Members of the Front and Centered Steering Committee and their coordination team met with four environmental and civil rights lawyers from the Washington State Attorney General’s (AG’s) office in March, to discuss ways in which the AG’s office could support Front and Centered communities.

Many of us have followed the AG’s office and its successful challenges to President Trump’s recent immigration orders – challenges which have made us proud to be residents of this state.  Most recently Attorney General Ferguson is challenging the President’s order to reverse coal leasing on public lands.

This first conversation focused on getting to know each other, communicating communities’ needs and learning about what the Counsel for Environmental Protection and the Wing Luke Civil Rights Division could do to advance environmental justice.

As a next step, in June, Bill Sherman and his staff will visit farm workers in Whatcom County to hear their concerns and better understand how pesticides impact their work and lives.

In 2016, Attorney General Ferguson created the Counsel for Environmental Protection, led by Assistant Attorney General Bill Sherman, focusing on protection of the environment and Washington residents’ health and safety.  The Wing Luke Civil Rights Unit was created in 2015 to protect the rights of all Washington residents by enforcing state and federal anti-discrimination laws.  All agreed to continue with regular meetings between Front & Centered members and the Attorneys General.

Front and Centered continues to explore new front in our climate and environmental justice efforts.  Leveraging existing law and authority is the most recent area we are exploring.   For more information contact us at [email protected].

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