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Statement on 2018 Climate Legislative Proposals

Yesterday Governor Inslee announced details on his newest proposal to price carbon pollution.  The Governor has been a global champion for cutting carbon pollution and reducing the impacts of climate change, and has committed to do everything in his power to move climate action forward.

Front and Centered looks forward to a robust dialogue in the legislature on how we can fight climate change and deliver targeted reductions in pollution in communities hit hardest by environmental burdens and existing health and socioeconomic barriers.

In 2017 Front and Centered, through the Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy, came out in support of House BIll 1646, sponsored by Representative Joe Fitzgibbon, which included a focus on reducing pollution, with targets for environmental justice communities, protections for lower income households and workers, and accountability to communities.

Front and Centered will again advocate for equitable climate change this session. At the same time we know it will take a movement of the people to ensure strong, enduring change. That is why we have committed substantial resources to developing a ballot initiative with the Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy that we plan to file, with our allies, in the months ahead for next fall’s ballot.

IMAGE: Front and Centered meeting with Governor, 2015