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Tag: Resilience


Earth Week: Climate Resilience in Seattle’s South End

As we honor Mother Earth this week, we should remember that the long fight and struggle for climate justice continues among neighbors in our own backyards. And as Mary reminds us, our elected officials need to be accountable and and pass laws to ensure that everyone has the right to a healthier life.

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New ‘Washington Environmental Health Disparities Map’ Elevates Frontline Community Priorities

For the first time, people in Washington state will be able to compare how their neighborhoods rank for environmental health risks with the help of a new interactive mapping tool.

Air quality relief as we push air quality protection into law

Enjoying the orange-and-red foliage of autumn? Just a couple of months ago, we were breathing in …

Elizabeth Torres

Conversations on Climate Justice – Elizabeth Torres

Health disparities, climate change, and resilience in the Yakima Valley.


Mapping Environmental Justice in Washington State

Front and Centered advocates for targeting clean energy and carbon reduction investments to frontline communities hit first and worst by pollution and climate change.

End of Year card 2016


Selected accomplishments and highlights from the last year for Front and Centered.