Tag: Water

Images of people, pollution, water

2017 Listening Sessions on Pollution, Climate Impacts, and Puget Sound

Listening sessions among our members across Washington State on pollution, climate impacts, and the Puget Sound. 

Elizabeth Torres

Conversations on Climate Justice – Elizabeth Torres

Health disparities, climate change, and resilience in the Yakima Valley.

toxic Tacoma

Update: Model Toxics Control Act

While the U.S. federal government attempts to roll back progress on climate and decimate environmental justice ...

CAFO Yakima Reservation

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) Permit Update – in English / en Español

One of our key critiques was the lack of engagement with frontline communities; although the dairy ...

What can’t be seen: A reportback from Standing Rock

At Standing Rock we were told there is only one way to be present - “be ...

Dairy Farm

State must protect Yakima Valley drinking water from cow manure

“I can’t drink the water at my house.”