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89 groups endorse the Healthy Environment for All (HEAL) Act

Note from Front and Centered: This post will be continually updated with new endorsements. 

Eighty-nine groups in our state agree: lawmakers should pass Senate Bill (SB) 5489, the HEAL Act

Sen. Rebecca Saldana, proud prime sponsor of Senate Bill 5489, with Front and Centered’s David Mendoza.

Front and Centered and HEAL Act endorsers representing doctors, faith leaders, environmental justice advocates, labor unions, farmworkers, scientists, family, immigrant and civil rights leaders and anti-poverty groups believe that everyone deserves clean air and healthy water. Where you live, your income, race or language ability should not determine how healthy and safe you are. But we know that in our communities, health and well-being varies significantly according to who you are and where you live. People across Washington suffering worst from pollution — often low-income people, communities of color and linguistically isolated people — pay with their well-being and shortened lives.

State data in the Washington Environmental Health Disparity Map shows eight areas where our frontline communities rank a “9” or “10” in environmental health disparity — 10 representing areas experiencing the worst environmental health impacts in our state on a scale of one to 10. Our communities in these areas are bearing an unfair share of the health impact. And nearly every legislative district has neighborhoods highly impacted by environmental health hazards. 

If Washington wants to stand as a national leader on environmental policy and climate action, its lawmakers must do better to protect all of its people and the health conditions of where we live and work. Lawmakers can choose a healthier future for ALL of Washington by passing SB 5489, the Healthy Environment for All (HEAL) Act. Passing the HEAL Act, will define and enforce environmental justice in our state, ensuring communities unfairly burdened by cumulative environmental health impacts will be at the front of agency directors’ minds as they make decisions about environmental policy, enforcement and investments. The HEAL Act ensures cross-agency accountability to communities most burdened by environmental health impacts – and to closing the health disparity gap in our state.  

So far, 89 diverse groups across our state agree that it’s time for our state to ensure ALL in Washington have a right to a healthy environment — clean air and water where we live, work and pray. It’s time to improve environmental health conditions for all Washington residents, prioritizing areas where communities are suffering first and most from pollution. It is only by reducing environmental health disparities and inequities that we can truly HEAL Washington and achieve the greatest positive health impact in our state.

Our movement to #HealWA is growing every day with new endorsers. 

Think lawmakers should pass the HEAL Act? Join us by endorsing today!


350 Eastside
| 350 Everett |
Alliance for Clean Jobs and Energy | Audubon Washington

American Rivers | Asian Pacific Americans for Civic Engagement (APACE) | Asia Pacific Cultural Center

Asian Counseling and Referral ServiceAsian Pacific Islander Coalition (APIC), King County Chapter

APIC, Pierce County Chapter  | APIC, Snohomish County Chapter | APIC, Snohomish County Chapter

APIC, South Puget Sound Chapter | APIC, Spokane Chapter | APIC, Yakima Valley Chapter | Black Collective

BlueGreen Alliance | Centro Latino | Children’s AllianceCasa Latina | Citizens for a Healthy Bay | Climate Solutions

Climate Reality Project – Bellingham Chapter | Climate Reality Project – Seattle Chapter 

Climate Reality Project – Snohomish County Chapter | Community Alliance for Global Justice

Community Development & Outreach Service Ministries | Community to Community (C2C)

Defenders of WildlifeDuwamish River Cleanup Coalition / TAGE3 Washington | EarthjusticeEarth Ministry 

El Centro de la RazaFuse Washington | Futurewise | Global to Local 

Got Green | Heart of America Northwest  | IslandWood | League of Women Voters of Washington 

 Legacy of Equality Leadership & Organizing (LELO) | Loving Kindness Meditation Center – Tu Tam Temple 

Mason County Climate Justice | Mother Africa | Native Youth Leadership Alliance 

Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides | NW Energy Coalition  | Odyssey World International Education Services

OneAmerica | Progreso | Puget Sound Clean Air Agency | Puget Sound Sage

RE Source for Sustainable CommunitiesSeattle Aquarium | Seattle Green Spaces Coalition

Seattle Foundation | Seattle Parks FoundationShift Zero | Sierra Club, Washington Chapter | Sound Action

South Seattle Climate  | Southwest Washington Communities United for Change | Spark Northwest

Statewide Poverty Action NetworkSunrise Movement – Seattle Hub | Sunrise Movement – Tacoma Hub

Sunrise Movement – Olympic Peninsula Hub | Sunrise Movement – Walla Walla HubSun Path ElectricSurfrider Foundation

The Climate Justice Initiative | The Lands Council |The Nature ConservancyThe Wilderness Society  | Toxic-Free Future |

Transit Riders Union | Transportation Choices Coalition |  UAW 4121 | UFCW 21 | Union of Concerned Scientists

Dr. Ben Danielson  | Washington Conservation VotersWashington Environmental Council

Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility |  Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience

Young Women Empowered | YWCA Olympia | Zero Waste Washington